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Sunday, July 25, 2010

what can't I write about?

I've reached a stage in blogsville which I'll refer to as a dead end.Think about why you started a blog in the first place? Maybe cuz you loved to write? cuz you wanted to vent out and couldn't find a pair of trust-able ears? cuz you didnt have a girlfriend? cuz it was the 'it' thing?

I remember why I started mine.... it was cuz I was incredibly bored. But gradually it turned to a place where I'd come and vent out(yea, bad phase)...and I so loved knowing people here, who're all incredibly sweet and leave awesome comments that keep you happy.

But things are different now, I feel. I never could write anything when I was 'required' to....partly why I don't see myself doing this professionally.... I find myself counting the number of days its been since my last post, as if its a compulsion to write a weekly/monthly column. No can do Sir.

I think something that went wrong is that this blog is read by too many people who know me.... makes me stop and ponder if what I'm writing is politically correct....I HATE that...even now I'm trying to figure out the reactions of some people, cuz I know they'd be reading.....
I can't do that...its defying the very purpose of why I love to write.....

Should I shift this to somewhere anonymous? I know my thoughts may be screwed up at times, and I want to write em down....cuz it helps me get it out of my system.. but I don't want anyone judging me...that can't happen here, you know..

Can't kill the writer inside....

I'm starting to see why some bloggers chose to not reveal their identity.... it really helps keep the spirit of blogging alive...specially in case of people like me, those who give a damn.


Anonymous said...

then u should go somewhere where u need not reveal ur identity..:) That is only if u dont want to kill the writer inside u...u dont have to update ur blog regularly either..just rant about any damn stuff...i am in all ears!

mohit said...

hmm.... i dunno re...

I also dont want to lose out on this blog...love the people here :)

S.A.L. said...

You're SO right! I've been feeling exactly the same. Counting days since the last post, writing something and crossing out thinking about what the readers would think, being politically correct, having a "good" image... gosh, it's tiring... Sometimes I feel that the natural flow is gone, I feel that I've to write at least one weekly column so that the readers don't forget me! This is crazy!

And yeah, can't kill the writer inside... This bloggosphere has just become a huge part of life...

Suruchi said...

Awwwww Mohit...
Don’t go anywhere...
Screw the people n their reactions...
This is your space...be what u are n do what u want...
People would soon start to accept you for as you are!
There’s no fun in being anonymous...it’s fun when u can show the people who you really are!
Look at my space..I rant like mad about anything n everything despite half my pind- my family...my in-laws...my social circle reads those posts...

Earlier a few eyebrows were raised...
But now everyone enjoys, agrees n disagrees from the point of view of a writer n reader relation!

So please don’t stop writing..
We love u like this!:-)

Anonymous said...

Can so identify with this post.
An anonymous blog sounds like a good idea. I mean I would know! :D
But whatever you do, don't stop writing in this space. Tc :)