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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Random 'thought'

I tend to get a little TOO immersed in my thoughts at times. I mean its almost like daydreaming...i continue whatever i'm doing, but when I snap out of my..umm...reverie, I sumhow don't remember what happened in the time that I had been thinking...
This is actually how I blog too...... as I've already mentioned, I almost never plan on what to write.... There are somedays when I'm just...inspired...and I sit in front of my lappy and start typing....its almost like i'm thinking with my fingers, so to say..... and when I fininsh, voila!

This happens really often if i'm driving alone..... my all time driving companion, my music player cum radio keeps playing this n that.. and I start to think... I keep driving though, manoeuvering between traffic ,passively, almost as if its second nature for me.....probably it is now....
I love to drive...I always have...ever since I learnt to... its given me a sense of freedom like nothing else had ever done.... yes, the freedom does has certain checks...traffic lights, road blocks, jams...but that's something we deal with, and move on after 120 seconds ( I kinda think its the average stoppage time at all delhi,gurgaon traffic lights...dunno why though).....

(Note: Pictorial depiction is not factual. .)

Coming back..... I do get lost in thoughts.... and I absolutely love it! There are times when this has led to trouble too.... and so I ended up making rules for myself..... I have a lot of 'em...i'll probably publish a personal rule-book sumday ...I'll tell you one... "NEVER check out chicks on the road if you are driving"..... Don't ask how or why I made this one though ;)

So, one fine day, I decided not to drive and took the local bus where I wanted to go.....buses are another place where one can think in peace...although they may be crowded, atleast people leave you alone......when I came back in the evening, I was thinking about my own stuff, listening to music...as usual.... guess what, I got off, walked 10 minutes...when I had almost reached home I thought to myself... "Hey, something's missing, no?"...."I kinda feel lighter"..... "OH MY GOD...my backpack's in the bus !!!!!"

I started running back to where the bus had left me.....luckily it was the last stop....I got onto a cycle rikshaw cuz i thought it'd be faster... it wasn't. The guy was so damn slow, I got off and ran towards the place, not wanting to waste any time (of course, I had to pay the guy sumthing)..... I got there, asked around and found that the bus wud've gone to this place to park for the night..... As I rushed to that place, my mind started crowding with images of my folks..."what's wrong with you??" ..."Why're u so damn forgetful....do u have any problems? u can discuss with us, you know" ...... yea right.... I didn't wanna let that happen..... plus I didn't wanna loose my aviators that I love so much !
Thankfully, I found the bus.... and lying in one dark corner was my backpack...untouched...probably lonely too :P
Thus came another personal rule ..."if ure carrying a backpack, ALWAYS keep it in your lap for the entire time ure travelling !".... hope this works out...

Oh, have you ever noticed how some old ppl just LOVE talking to young folks? Today i got off the car with my bro.... I was locking it, and my bro sneezed.... this old uncle who was on his morning walk stopped beside us ..."hey, he sneezed! unlock the car and lock it again. " ... now I had never seen this guy ....i didn't know who he was.... I would have said no ..but then all my family's 'sanskaars' (kahaani ghar ghar ki, anyone?...u listening ekta?) started pulsing through my veins.... and I politely smiled, unlocked the car and locked it again.... the old man looked pleased, smiled at us and walked off. I dunno, but i kinda felt good and amused at the same time....
I've always had a soft corner for old ppl, i think..... even on the streets, if there's a really old person begging, I make it a point to give 'em something..... once it was an aquafina I just bought, once it was a burger..... other times it's some coins..... i just feel so bad when I see these ppl, their entire lives behind 'em, and still so unhappy, uncared for....


Anonymous said...

yeah..well absolutely ryt.Never check out girls on the road while drivin..it may lead u to some other place..[a hospital!!] radio can be the best companion while driving..
talking of 'random over thinking' more often than not i find myself lost in thoughts while travelling which at times takes me to destinations i was never destined to be..:P:D [missing the stops or stations!]
Hey i love ol' people people too:) They can be funny,imaginative and really helpful most of the times.They have all their years of experience behind them..which counts...Nice to know u help em..:)

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet post....
I felt it was bout me...you know what? even I type out stuff for my blog when inspired..that is why I have backup posts in word docs! I think I have four of em there right now..

You know you are truly lost if everyone (read office and outside) greet you first...yaar kabhi toh notice kar liya karooo...:)

S.A.L. said...

Interesting post. I have my own rules too, and sometimes I think how would it be to publish a rule book!

By the way, what could've happened if you hadn't unlock the car and locked again? :-/

Veda said...

never been much of a radio person...RJ's tend to piss me off..its a phase, i think. :P Ipod's a safer bet. just music no yap yap yap.

You come across like the definition of a 'nice guy'...

The part about the old man and the car door was super cute.

I wonder what I would've done.

Prolly the same thing. I can be nice too you know.. :P

Unknown said...

aww.....thats is cho chweet luthur!! esp the last part.....:)

mohit said...

@ madzie
i know! travelling does let us get lost in thoughts.... but then again, we've gotta do sumthing for tp , no?

@ choco
haha... ab to notice karna hi padega...
but so cool yar... the backup post concept...u shud dedicate a post to that only!

@ shomoita
nice....give me a copy of ur rule book too ,k ? ;)
oh, n ppl just think it's bad luck if u sneexe before starting something (in this case, going to the place after locking the car)

@mon espace
the ipod would do well too actually... but I kinda haven't figured out how to connect it to my car's audio system.... *note to self*

@ guncha
awww.... no wonder ure so in love with me :D