Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Homeward bound..tick tock..
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I goofed up.
this one is dedicated to chocolate lover who has actually given me 2 awards ! go here.
and I missed out on that in the previous post
reeeally sorry abt that !
Oh, have you also noticed that when things start to go wrong, EVERYTHING goes wrong simultaneously ?
This happened to me yesterday...... I got a call from my client (normally the guy just mails me about it) who asked me to do this piece of work really urgently....
see, we work remotely on desktops located in the UK, at the client's office...
I turned towards my system to see that the connection with my remote system was lost !
wtf...I said to myself and tried fiddling with the connection...
"Some software engineer you are.... can't even connect to the system ...", I reprimanded myself......
finally I decided to go to my boss and complain about the situation.... when he saw how urgent the work was,......."damnit ! " ...first time I had heard him swear (polite guy).
Co-incidentally, there had been heavy snowfall in the UK yesterday, due to which none of our onsite team members were present in office.... so no one to actually go and restart the system manually ...talk about tough luck !
anyhow...we talked to ppl..got stuff sorted...
the point is... when its going bad, it will...nothing you can do about it ...just gotta go with the flow, eh ?
umm..I realise the above incident has been pointless... do we care though ? :P
Sunday, December 13, 2009
7 things hitherto unknown to mankind.
This tag is about 7 things which other bloggers don't know about me....and I'm not sure if I won't be writing about stuff which I haven't already touched in the blog...
Oh, n there's also this award that comes with the tag...which makes it the 2nd award for this blog :D ....hugs to you Shomoita !
The first one was given by this incredibly sweet blogger sulagna.. n here it is ....

woohoo !!
OK...for all those who've heard the movie Bluffmaster's tracks...I'm gonna start with this ...
"Lesson number one " (which basically stands for Point # 1)
Everyone loves their friends right ? Of course...that's why they are your friends !
So as is normal, I love my friends too...but there's just this one small thingy that irks me..... barring a few , they DON'T read my blog !!!!!!
I mean....its kind of wierd at times...'cuz I can't discuss stuff about the blog with them...if I do it appears as if I'm obsessed with popularising it.. so I take care in that area...not to sound too aggressive ....
Point # 2
I DID promote my blog a lot initially...cuz it was just so exciting that my words are right there...on the net...for everyone to see !!
pls refer this for more on this. I wrote it on 12/8/08 .. u'll know then..
Point # 3
I have had a relationship where absolutely NONE of my friends know anything about the girl .... I mean they know she exists..just not who she is..what she does.... and I never told them..... the reasons cannot be blogged about ....awwww so sorry to burst ur bubble but NO the reasons aren't related to sex...in case you were expecting masala ;)
Point # 4
My current aspiration is to buy a cycle . No, not the Atlas cycle kinds...something ..umm...non-kiddish..
Stop laughing, will u..there's a valid logic to it...
See..right now, I live like 9 kms from office... so I can't even think of commuting by a cycle everyday.
But I'm thinking of shifting apartments in the beginning of Jan. This one will be just 3 kms from work.
This isn't a big distance....and there's a lot of advantage to cycling....
1) I used to love it as a kid...I still remember the guy who tought me how to cycle...it was my friend's elder bro...and he tought both of us together....although I had a nearly fatal accident while cycling , 4 weeks after I had learnt.
2) Great fitness idea !
3) Reduced commuting expense....bring it on !
Point # 5
I have accepted my position in the romantic - relationship world. It sounds really sad..but I have.
I can't break MY girl's heart (knowingly). That's why I'm the guy who'll always get his heart ripped out.
Point # 6
Guys...you don't know this.... I recently said something to someone..and this is either the lamest or the nerdiest line ever..... I said with utmost sincerity :
"You are my Kryptonite."
Point # 7
I dislike unhygenic people/places.
It could be wierd that a guy says this... but unlike popular belief.. I DON'T throw my socks anywhere around the house when I get back from work...I DON'T throw my towel on the bed and leave after a bath...and I prty much stay away from smelly feet too .
You get the picture....right?
We recently made a rule in our apartment...we've got one pair of slippers that is RESERVED for the washroom....and everyone is forbidden from wearing 'em anywhere else... It sucks when ppl come with dirt on their footwear from outside and dirty the washroom !.. and I'm not ashamed of admitting it. My flatmates are nice enough to agree to this.
OK..I'm gonna stop now... so you can go ahead and scroll up...read it again.... form an opinion...comment.... all's fine....
Take care everyone...signing off. (nerdy line # 2)
Oh, n I know I'm supposed to tag 7 other people in turn..... and I always do this.... maybe I'll make this kind of a 'signature move'
.... I tag whoever reads this (be honest now !) :P
that is, if you haven't been tagged already
PS : Wow, I love commenting about my 'witty' post titles :D
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
experiencing life.
yea..its been a long while since I wrote...but things seem to be getting hectic.
umm... i've joined the gym (again !) .
i dunno what it is with the gym thing, but i never manage to continue without a break.
the last one was for around 3 months...so i'm pretty much back at square 1
So my weekdays involve getting up at 6 (huh? me?!) ...yea, honestly ! .....then going to the office gym at 7... have breakfast in the office canteen at around 9 ( and its MUCH better than the one in the Chennai office !) ....
The body has a wierd tendency...i've seen... losing or gaining weight happens naturally at the exact places you don't want !!!
anyway, I've been trying to do something ..umm...different thesedays.
I have decided that i'm NOT going to keep a TV at my place here. Although it seems like the stupidest decision I , or anyone since the Ice-age,has ever made, I'm going to stick by it.
There's a reason for it too. the way I see it...the idiot box has always made me lazy. Once I sit down to watch star world or anything interesting, I can spend days not moving my a** from the sofa !
I've realized that I want to experience life.
I want to do stuff that I've always wanted to do....or that I've never thought I would ...
Along the same thoughts, I went to a demo dance class this sunday !!....The guy teaches all forms of dance..this month it's gonna be bollywood...next month's western...after that Hip Hop and Salsa are in line...
btw...we danced to 'Aahun Aahun' from Love aajkal (that's the one, no?)
Although i'm adept at the drunk-dance-at-weddings, this is one of the things i've wanted to do. Always.
In college a 'friend' and I had decided to join Salsa classes ....but that didn't happen ...due to certain...errrmm...unavoidable reasons...
but enough! I said to myself... I wanted to taste more of LIFE(I'll elaborate the reason for this in another post), and I'm gonna do it.
Perhaps i'll sign up for the dance classes after all .
what say?
PS: I was gonna name this post 'Chance pe Dance' ....but that's kinda overused ;)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
bathroom talk.
siiiiiiiigh .....kab aayega woh din ? ;)
At every point in their lives, people have to judge stuff.... and its not always a bad thing .
I mean of course we need to judge..... is this shoe worth it? Should I have rum with Vodka? will I be able to get home after that? Is the one in black hot or the blue one ? Should I actually put this on the blog? will I need to kill her now? ( ermmmm :P)
So anyhow, I have one major criteria of judging a house or a room...yea now that i've house hunted in both Chennai and Hyderabad, I have an opinion on this.... the one thing that makes a house stand out amidst the cramped up ocean of others is............
............. a good bathroom !
Yes. washroom/restroom/gusalkhana ( :P )....whatever you want to call it... its something which I cannot compromise on.... not to sound like a snob or anything, but isn't it an amazing feeling when you walk into a spacious,clean,fragrant washroom ? sounds pretty trivial, i know, but it does feel great...or maybe u've just never lived in a hostel ;)
The thing is, when we were deciding on our accomodation in hyderabad , the first thing that influenced my choice was this flat's bathroom.... I mean its HUGE.
Seriously...like more than half the size of the bedroom.... and that's not exactly small either.
Plus, it has a shower that ACTUALLY works ...which isn't a high probablitity when searching for rented places....
Its got pure white tiles...which makes it look even cleaner (and more difficult to maintain)....
All in all, I'm happy with my place here ....although I don't spend all day in there, I still love the ...bathing area.... :D
thought i'd make this a short post...as it is i'm ignoring doing what i'm paid for and instead doing what I love....writing! ...
but I guess everyone does that at times...or probly needs to do so !
and people walking past me are giving me wierd smiles or tut-tut expressions...
PS: Pseudo-exciting,though apt blog post title, isnt it?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
new chapter...being me
this happened last friday.
I go to chennai office as usual....check my mail...and it says i've been absorbed into a project and i should contact xyz person and report to hyderabad ...."niice" ,i said to myself...atleast i'd have a couple of days to chill out in chennai and say adieu to the friends i made there....
I called up the concerned person and he asked me to report at 9 AM the next day ... "ermmm...I'm in chennai actually...(how could he not know?)...so i can be there only on friday..hope that's ok "...it was.
Its a funny feeling... to wrap up your life in a few hours and move to another place...that's exactly what i did... boozed bigtime with pals (farewell, right !) ...that was wednesday night...woke up on thursdy morning..packed..cought a flight at 4 in the afternoon.
and here I was...hyderabad...a new city, yet again. Famous for its apparantly amazing 'biryani' ...which I haven't tasted yet...also, I'm a veggie...so the prospects of biryani aren't that exciting anyway..
I've rented a flat with a friend.....my own place ...the first time(chennai was a hostel).... i'm rly psyched about it...i mean, woohoo!! guys, i need suggestions on what all i'll need to make the house a cool place to be.... all i have right now are beddings , a pressure cooker, a stove and some plates ! .....I've been reminiscing about my parent's house in gurgaon....it actually was kinda amazing....lets hope i can make mine a bit as good too :D
More on this new 'hyderabadi' chapter to follow....
oh btw...i was tagged...so here goes..
The more [x]’ s the “dumber” you are.
[] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking
[ ] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking
[ ] You have ran into a glass/screen door
[ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle
[ x] You have thought of something funny while walking by yourself
[ ] Laughed, then watched people give you weird looks
So far: 1
[ ] You have run into a tree/bush.
[ ] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow
[ ] You have tried to lick your elbow… a few times
[x ] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little star have the same rhythm.
[] You just tried to sing them.
So far: 2
[ ] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[ ] You have choked on your own spit .
[ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don’t get it.
[] You’ve never seen the Matrix.
[ ] You type only with two fingers.
So far: 2
[] You have accidentally caught something on fire
[ ] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose/eyes.
[ ] You have caught yourself drooling.
[ ] You have fallen asleep in class and fell outta your chair
So far: 2
[ ] Sometimes you just stop thinking
[x] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about
[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you
[ ] You are often told to use your “inside voice”.
[ ] You use your fingers to do simple math
So far: 3
[ ] You have eaten a bug
[] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important
[ ] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn’t realize it
[x ] You’ve looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand
[ x] You have ran around naked in your house. (pls..no details !)
So far: 5
[ ] You repost bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don’t.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[ ] Your friends know not to use big words around you.
[ ] You tilt your head when you’re confused
[ ] You have fallen out of your chair before
So far: 6
[x ] When you’re lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the ceiling or wall
[ ] The word “ummmmm” is used many times a day.
Total 7 = (7/37)*100 = 18.9% dumbo..!!
funny....its the same as the my tagger (if there's such a word)...birds of a feather? :P
and I tag whoever wants to be tagged (actually ..does sound silly) !
Sunday, October 18, 2009
first things first..... I cleared the test !!! :D and I scored the highest !...much to mine and everyone else's surprise ;)
when I clicked "submit" and got the score, I looked at it twice...stared at it for 2 minutes..... i just cudn't #@ believe it .......no one else cud,either...for that matter...... absolutely EVERY person i've told this to has asked me this question: "what the HELL did u do man????...seriously " .....I guess sum stuff's just meant to happen.....only thing is, u gotta pinch yourself hard to believe it......
perheps its cuz of all the good wishes you guys sent me .....awwwww :D
..... training's over....and i've qualified.... phew !
its been soo soo long since I wrote, no? I'm rly sorry I cudn't keep up with u guys' posts... i'll try harder......promise ..... oh, and i'm rly happy tht my blog's following's increased...yes, it does make a difference to me...no matter how much I try to say that it doesn't ...... just like I had always tried to prove that i'm not at all supersticious....turned out that I totally AM !
So no point in hiding it......
Did I ever happen to tell u guys that i'm amazingly bad at faking it ?
NO, its not what you think ( :P) ....i've discovered that i've always been a pathetic lier....I just can't control my facial expressions when i'm lying ...either i'll laugh out or i'll look here and there....so the listener will almost immediately know that i'm lying...unless their dumb,ofcourse...... you think it's a disability?
So that explains why I didn't run away to "Bombay" (I still like to call it that and not mumbai) to become a hero ....yup, that's right, not an ACTOR, a HERO ......after all, that's what everyone says, isnt it?
sumhow recently this particular thought came to me....and I wanted to share it....... as technology and economy has progressed, people have lost their innocence..... their genuine-selves..... to give way to new,tech-savvy,suave,money-yearning creatures ........
this happened long ago...my grandpa asked me:
It was '96 and we had recently bought a computer.....
my nana (grandpa) , who owned an automobile servicing firm asked me what it was...so I told him...... and its amazing how some things just get stuck in memory...what he actually said was:
"that's very nice...but u remember to keep it well -oiled , or the parts will rust"
yeah, it may sound irrelevant now or probably just plain ignorance..... but to me the above line exemplifies innocence..and sumhow i'll never forget it..
changing the topic, we were at the beach till 2 in the night the day i cleared.... its such an amazing place to be..... i'd choose a beach over a mountain holiday...anyday....but I already told you that....
its like...whenever i'm near the sea, and I hear the waves crashing against the shore, everything else just rushes out of my head, and what's left is peace.... its one of the places where I can sit for long...idle....thinking...
anyhow...gotta go...will write soon....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
the story continues...
1) i don't have a lappy where i stay....so have to go out for surfing..... i've always wondered why these places are called cyber cafes...yea, the cyber part's obvious..but why the 'cafe'? any bright ideas anyone?
2) almost all 'worthy' sites are blocked at my office...which includes facebook, blogger,gmail....not a lot left on the net after these...wat do i do all day, google??
by the time i come bak in the eve, i'm too tired for point# 1 ;)
so more on chennai et moi? here goes..
a) the beach is a 20 min walk from my place (did i already mention that)? but i manage to go there only in the evenings on weekends ...its too hot in the day !
b) there's a rly gud library close by....and it's air conditioned too ;)
c) its f***in cheap ! of course, as long as you don't go to the taj and the sheraton a lot :P
there's one thing that really bugs me, though..... whenever i try to buy fruit from a vendor, he'll always talk in tamil, even if he knows bits n pieces of hindi..... and he'll ALWAYS quote double the price...... HATE it ! ... currently i'm trying to befriend a couple of neighbours so they can bargain for me ;)
went for a haircut today...... its funny the stuff life throws at you... sitting in a salon, watching and listening to tamil actors jive on tv...... looking at the pics in a tamil version of 'filmfare' .... but i don't mind, really....if there's one thing i actually DO know about myself by now, its that I'm open to new things and experiences...
and also the random fact that i rarely give ppl second chances..... :P
wats up at work?
well, wipro has about 6 offices in chennai, and initially we were at this swanky, great-campus,lotsa-greenery,great-food-options one.....
but after 3 weeks, we were shifted to this old, no-campus-whatsoever, crappy-canteen, place-u'd-hate office....so that sucks....just trying to survive in there
right now, actually i'm in training ....and i have a REALLY important exam on october 16th.....so trying to study for it...and that kinda gives me no time for pretty much anything else...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
madras talk !
its really nice of u guys to wish me good luck with this transition...really made me smile :D thank u!
first things first.... i'm gonna try n recollect stuff that i've been doing since I came here....
honestly, i was really freaked out about coming here initially.... partly cuz i don't know a soul in this city and partly cuz ALL my friends who've joined the same organization have gotten their posting in bangalore .....
the first week here was pretty chilled out... i was putting up at my dad's company guest house....no probs there...besides, it was in a relatively posh locality so there were nice places to hangout.....
i came across some colleagues from work who were also looking for accomodation here.... so we decided to look for one together.... to top it up, one colleague had a friend along and this guy was from chennai itself...so he helped us out a LOT ... talking to the brokers and house owner's in tamil (obviously, they'd quote a higher price if that guy wasn't a local) ..... he also showed us quite a few places to chill out...which included both types of drinking ..... coffee and booze !
there's a few things i've noticed about the city...i can't say if my observations are accurate or not though......
1) a few area-names end with 'pet' ....namely, 'chetpet','saidapet'...a few others which i don't remember...so i'm guessing 'pet' would mean an area or sumthing
2) the arterial roads are 'anna salai' and 'MGR salai'.... so it'd be ok to say 'salai' means road......but i was told it also means 'statue'....not sure
3) chennai vaguely gives me the feel of chembur in mumbai.... perhaps cuz of the architecture.... haven't figured out why...but it just does.... its one of those feelings u can't pinpoint the reason for....
4) The public transport is pretty good here... almost everyone you meet at a bus stop is capable of telling you the bus number to ur destination..... doesn't happen in delhi a lot...
5) chennai has two kinds of weather.... (a) hot ... (b) very hot
6) almost everything u get to eat is directly or indirectly made of RICE :P .... makes me think of the umpteen no. of times i refused to eat rice at home . poetic justice, perhaps? (waving fist at the skies)
Oh, n i'm trying to learn tamil..... till now, i've learnt the following :
1) counting from 1-10. it goes like this:
urr, rend, moon, naal, anji, arr, yel, ett, umbodh, patt
2) how are you : "apdi irkinge? "
i'm fine : "naan nalla irke"
3) i want to got to chennai central: "naan chennai central pono"
how much? : "avelo?"
50 only : "50 ta"
don't want: "vanda"
4) crazy : "pythium"
happy : "santosham"
sad : ....forgot this one
big: "perusa"
very big : " rombo perusa" (what're u thinking of ? don't get any ideas !)
small: "chinh"
5) i love you : "naan unai kadli kirane" ( really important , eh?! )
6) Tomato: "takkali"
Onion: "Vengayam"
coconut : "tenga"
7) yes: "ama"
yes yes : "amama" (duuh :P)
NO : "ile"
enough for today?
hopefully i'll get a chance to write soon.....
the thing is, i'm currently on training... and so wer'e kept #@% busy all week..... i finished with one main assessment this week...so have a few days to myself... that'll explain my visits to Eliot's beach, and booze sessions at bikes and barrels ;)
catch all of you later... all the new readers and especially the old ones !
mwaaah !
Saturday, August 8, 2009
a temporary au revoir, or an incredible beginning?
I rly don't have a lot of time to write..... and perhaps I won't be very regular on the blog either for a while.... and i'll miss it
Also the incredibly sweet ppl who read..u guys really make it worthwhile, honestly ...mwah!
after 4 years of living in a hostel, I was at a point where I preferred being away from home...cuz of the obvious reasons...freedom,blah blah.......i've stayed at home with folks for a year now, and strangely, i'm a bit jittery (i'm ashamed to admit this ) about the change ...... esp. cuz the entire city is totally new to me and i don't know a soul there...... i'm also kinda curious about how i'll gel with the place :P
who knows, maybe it'll actually turn out to be good for me....hopefully....
wish me luck guys !
PS: moving tomorrow!
Friday, August 7, 2009
no no no !
Don't you just HATE some stuff from your past cuz it simply refuses to get out of ur head, and possibly ur life?
Everyone has a past... and there's absolutely SO many things i'd like to change about mine...... one in particular... I won't say what..
I met up with a friend yest evening and she happened to mention something related to that particular era of my past..... phir kya tha.... ALL the bloody memories came gushing into my head as though the flood-gate that i've been so desperately trying to close, and keep shut, never existed....
Its funny how I tend to think about the very thing that I tell myself to ignore.....n I don't like it.
Why? Why is it that I still remember everything vividly? Why is it that the sadness associated with it doesn't go away..... why is it that I still feel I should've done better, or something different...when I've had so many discussions about how there was nothing wrong with my actions...
Why am I still thinking about it, when it was mentioned just for a fraction of a second....
I'm sitting in office and all I can think of is what happened then.... there's so much other stuff happening around me and in my life... so many transitions (my next post is gonna be about that probly)... then why does it seem like everything's moving in slow motion all over again?
It's not my fault ! I wish things had turned out differently...I really do.... but it happened...and the tide turned against me..... there was a time when I actually thought I could make things better.... and I kept trying... what I now realise is that I shud've just let it be... "SCREW IT", is what I shud've said..... there were so many events that stemmed from that situation I was in.... I would've been at a totally different juncture of my life right now..... but I'm dealing with it....
I was so dumb, is also what I feel at times..... perhaps it was all fake..... perhaps it was make-belief.... I can't say.... I just DONT want to think about it ever..... I try n make myself angry at the events, so maybe i'll develop a disgust towards it.... but it doesn't work...
Why did my friend mention it again?
Its like I'm screaming out LOUD inside my head....continuously..I hate this.... STOP !
PS: I'm sry , this is too vague...but there are times when I don't know what to do....so I just write.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
jlt pics from work

Saturday, August 1, 2009
The day Delhi stood still...
There's something I've wanted to write about since monday, but somehow have been too cought up (read lazy) to do so..... IT RAINED LIKE CRAZY ON MONDAY EVENING ...in Delhi...... and the city fell on its back, and died like an insect..... i'm seriously disgusted with the whole thing..... you know I love driving, right? it usually takes me an hour to get to work, and another to get back home in the evening..... well, this monday evening, I left work at 7:30 in the eve.... As I walked towards the car, it started to rain...all of a sudden...a lot of things in Delhi have a habit of creeping up on you suddenly...the weather is one of 'em, traffic jams are another...... so, it suddenly had started raining hard...like a sprinter who gives out a burst of speed as soon as the gunshot is heard......
fine, I said to myself....and got in the car fast...... for the first 15 minutes, after i started, I was actually enjoying the whole scene.... rain crashing down hard from the heavens, me all alone in the car, the AC making it really nice n chilly inside.... even nice music playing on the radio..... it was almost magical, when i looked towards the skies and saw the raindrops in the streetlamp's glow...out of a book, as if......specially since i was dry
(wierd pic, i know..but hey, i clicked it ! ... streetlight seen)
Then I got stuck.... the route i usually take was waterlogged at a point...so i took a diversion...turns out, everyone else in the entire WORLD had also taken the same #$%# diversion ! That's when the night's horror starts..... the point which I usually cross in 15 minutes, had this huge jam.. which kept me stuck for an entire hour! i'm serious, i didn't move an inch...... when I stopped in the jam, initially I didn't mind...cuz i had expected the roads to be jammed (a little).... but after 30 minutes, my patience started to give way..... there were people getting out of their cars, soaking in the rain, shouting at the traffic from the opposite side, who were doing the same thing too...... I kinda don't love the rains too much, remember...i preferred to stay in and not participate in the intellectual (and innovative) exchange of words (read @#$@) ...
Somehow, after an hour , stuff started moving a little, and I manoeuvred the car out of the mess... initially I thought of going back and stopping at a friend's house for the night.... but after being stuck there for so long, i just had to move on.....
hakuna matata
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Random 'thought'

Monday, July 20, 2009
going back in time ...well, kinda
'Memory low, delete some data '

Sunday, July 19, 2009
morning-after rambling
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Real life.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
so low, really? + belated wishes to kyle !
But then again, I end up writing almost none of the stuff I think of at that time, when I make a mental note of "must write post on this".... As always, I still am pretty much spontaneous when it comes to these posts...
anyhow, u know how at work all of us use the "con call" facility , right? I kinda like the conference call concept, and so I decided to put it in use ...
Maybe I haven't said this earlier, but the closest knit circle of friends that I have consists of 4 other guys...all of us practically lived together in the hostel for all the 4 yrs of engg.....
and it's become really sad how all of us are now so busy with work/studies that we barely get a chance to catch up more than once or twice a month...
It was kyle's birthday yesterday, and almost 3 weeks ago, I had thought of this really lame practical joke...but I guessed there wasn't much more I cud do, since he's away for his MBA and we're not meeting up till like the end of July....
So, as usual, I'm trying to get my mind off office work (do that a lot :P ) and I called up the other guys individually, telling them what we're gonna do on kyle's b'day..
Here's what happened:
6th July, kyle's birthday....usually we'd call up a close friend at 12 in the night only, na, when the b'day starts....well, we didn't......6th afternoon, still no wishes for kyle.... I'd even asked all the guys not to scrap him on orkut....What I thought was that kyle wud probably start getting REALLY pissed off that none of us had wished him.... and he wud probably start thinking of how he would murder us all in the most gory ways .. and thats what happened, he later told me....well, not the murder part, but u get the picture....
Now comes evening and kyle's cell rings...and the four of us wish him together ! (con call, rembr ?).... what I also thought was that kyle wud be atleast surprised when he heard the wishes at 6 in the eve, but nope, he just sounded what he sounds like when he's either pissed or just woken up ( which means the same thing almost, with the guy... he'd look at the clock in the morning when it was time to wake up and say " bh****od subah ho gayi kya ?")
All in all, the whole deal didnt turn out to be as much fun as I thought it would be....and looking back, it really WAS a silly thing to do.... are we really getting that lame and boring? or is it just the "going to work everyday in the morn" concept that's sucked all the fun out ?? Have we really gone so low down the 'cool' ladder?
more on that later....for now, (belated) Happy b'day kyle!!! ... hope you don't think we're gonna phase you out just cuz you got yourself a new girl at college [ ha !] .....we never will ( Halo over my head.)Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Rain n all that
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Four Points .
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The week that was... consolidated
crazy stuff's been happening..
my boss chooses the MOST hectic end-of-the-month days to go on a holiday ... so I've been staying back late at work for almost everyday this entire week . (he doesn't know of this blog, I hope :P)
Then I had a span of 4 really unlucky days... health-wise, that is.... I injured a different finger on my LEFT hand, every one of those days...and it hurts so much!!!
Met a really cute girl in the delhi metro... really sweet n all, but I had work, so had to get off... and I didn't ask for her no. :((
Came up with a new hindi word-meaning .....
Q : What do you call drinking in the car?
A: "Kaarobar" (originally means business in Hindi)
yup, its the new code word at office.
but something good's happened too... I bought an XBox 360 !! and I absolutely LOVE it!
I guess that's one of the reasons why this post looks like a composite book of facebook status updates ....cuz I'm going offline to play ! (can't stop grinning ,somehow)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
To facewash or not to facewash, THAT is the question.
The other day I realized that I'd used up all of my facewash... and so I went to the local supermart to get a new pack... I'm walking down the aisle, looking at the ones available and I spot this really smart looking pack ..black in colour...apparantly a new line called 'Garnier MEN' (I saw John Abraham endorsing it on TV the next day) ..... I think I bought it mainly cuz the pack looked really cool ... black, with green writing (and no! I'm not ashamed of it!) .....plus, all the other face wash packs are kinda 'girly' ... yellow, pink, what not :P
Anyway, I ended up bringing it home.... but that's NOT what the post is about... Although I'm not particularly superstitious, I can't help wondering in this situation ...
Dryly yours
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009
Don't-really-know day
Sometimes it surprises me how moody I can be. There are a handful of moods that randomly affect me ( or maybe due to 'hidden' reasons). Its kinda funny to an extent, when I think about it that way..... I really haven't been able to define myself till now.... and I don't think I ever will be able to.I just wake up in the morning, and well.... feel.... feel good or feel bad or feel lonely or feel on top of the world !!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The great Alphonso build up.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
o... crappy day(s) are here again...